Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day Of Figs!
Tina standing next to her mother, Vanilla. Their size comparison is amazing. Tina is five days old and it looks impossible to me that she came out of her mother. She is moving around in this position, hopping, and walking on her fetlocks. But she is looser, a bit, everyday. 

This morning I splinted one leg with a finger splint from Walmart. I'm satisfied the splint was well done enough. It wasn't too tight or too loose and a human finger splint is an excellent tool in this situation--padded and connected to velcro. But I'm not convinced splinting is right for exactly these circumstances. I got her hoof pointed more straight, true. But she would only lie there, crying occasionally, even though she could move in the splint. After a couple of hours and a couple of rescuings, it seemed wrong. Not splinting doesn't seem entirely right either. 

So, we continue waiting, watching the figs grow, and milking Nutmeg who is shaping up to be a fairly nice milk goat. A few weeks into this lactation she is giving us 3/4 a gallon a day. The flavor was off a bit a first. But that was partly my fault as I was mixing cold and warm milk, topping off jars. And I think her minerals were down, which we've corrected.  If we allow $5 a half gallon a day for milk and $1 a day for 6 eggs, our small farm is currently providing at least $180 in food monthly. Which is a conservative estimate as eggs cost more than that on the market and we're getting more milk. We are spending about $30 a week on hay and grain--about $150 monthly. So, the math is working well enough and the food is non-violent, sustainable, moral, and nutritionally dense. Onward into spring with gratitude and love. :o)


  1. Your next addition should be a trio of good quality new zealand rabbits.

  2. Pastured Rabbits, my daughter would be delighted! Hum....
