Monday, March 19, 2012

The concepts of umbrage, foil, and twee snazzled my imagination this morning. Who do I use as foil, where have I encountered umbrage, am I twee? Its easier to think about such things than type out the saga of dehorning little Tina. urgh


  1. those are chewy words. Twee...nice. Never heard that one, not even in the belly of Edinburgh. Thanks for the great vocab lesson today (not to be too twee about it)

    Now I am humming that catchy little tune:

    "Not to be too twee about it
    just add another bee in my bonnet."

    you made a little birdhouse in my soul...

  2. I have no idea what you're talking about, but I've seen dehorning and say no more. Sending hugs to you and Tina. love, Val

  3. I love you both--and both of these responses. <3
