This is what the house looks like when I leave for work in the morning. Maybe we'll just leave it up? I don't want to take any of it down. Its so cheerful. I love leaving quietly in the dark as my people all sleep cozy in their beds. The cold hasn't been so bad for me at work this year. I must be in better shape? Because I'm wearing fewer clothes and staying much warmer. Good gloves are the ticket. It was down to seven degrees last week and we quit early in that kind of cold, but I wasn't hurting.
You know those tears I said I wouldn't give over to this year? Well, when it came time yesterday to take the tee down (days after I promised I would) I almost got sad. But that wasn't an option. So instead I took that beautiful, living tree, and placed it in the yard where I plan to hang gifts for the animals that pass through the yard...or just let t stand and be beautiful. I took out a few candles and lit some in the kitchen and on the mantle, put some cloves on to simmer and stuck some fresh holy in a ja on the windowsill alongside the bulbs popping up that I rescued during well work. We have some weeks of winter ahead, but the daffodils are already poking up some green. It will only be a little while.