Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm developing a small puzzle obsession. If you shop for puzzles, which never occurred to me until very recently, there are super cool things to find. Lucky me, I had ordered one that arrived on our snow day. So we all set to. Its based on the plays of Shakespeare and will be the hardest one we've done. And we WILL get it done. Hear me.

Why puzzles? They are bit like coloring books, only you fill space with shape as well as color. Its fun to watch the artwork emerge. I find something humanizing in the process, and for some obscure reason I enjoy finding cool individual pieces. The small things in life? My son was talking about the feeling you get while you work, finding the zone, the stages of seeing and suddenly seeing, the gratification of searching for something known... That last one may have been my thought, actually. But we share puzzling theory. My daughter pretends to care less and said, "Great, I have to sit here and listen to the spiritual aspects of puzzles." But she's good at puzzling. And most of all, for me, is the happy feeling of a communal project. Its fun to share good. Even better with teenagers.

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