Friday, September 27, 2013

After house work, running the kids around, and working at my NEW JOB on a dairy farm, there is only so much cat snuggling and reading one can do. I've taken up a wonderful new hobby,
wood burning. Which makes my husband cringe. Apparently he was wounded in the 1970s, psychologically, with one too many gifted wood burning/leather work sets. I was considered learning disabled and not trusted with the tools of the gifted and talented. So I'm free and unfettered to burn away my cares on spoons, picture frames, tiny boxes, and perhaps building blocks. Its fun.


  1. Seriously? L.D.??! You?! Wow, wow, ...ow. Really? wow. ok, I I am speechless.

  2. Yes, me. Totally. Absolutely true. In first grade the school wanted to track me with the ...mentally challenged... class. My mom wouldn't let them. I'm dyslexic. And I am a slow learner. And I process information very differently from verbal/logical people. But all that's okay. I'm special! :o) Just kidding, but I know I'm plenty smart enough. xo
