Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Open Heart Seeks Magic, Finds Unexpected Graces. Stay Tuned, Like An Instrument. 

The trouble with believing yourself a monster is that you're so consumed with your own horribleness that you forget the horribleness of others. Ego tricks you into thinking your failures are extraordinary. When a Jen Gray reminds you that we are all monsters, the compassion that you've got for the monster sitting next to you can only make sense if you turn it to yourself as easily. ~Kate Inglis

1 comment:

  1. I just emerged from a conversation with my spouse about a fight I had with my spouse, and the conversation ranged through decades of various moments when my monster reared her ugly head. His demons are different from mine, but tonight he helped me try to bring into focus this: step away, stop the agenda, go get a cup of tea, and find the space to choose a different approach. I love this quote you shared (and BTW what a writer! phew - spent a few minutes on the link...thank you!). This seems to be the topic of the evening. Oh, help me remember this. I do get so caught up in my own awfulness that I pronounce it in advance, which makes me feel worse, not better. Compassion, for me, for you, for all of us. Let's make up a game, and start off by loving each other. The rest will follow from our hearts, and the demons will stay in the dark shadows, away from the heat of that love fire.
