Thursday, March 1, 2012

The phone rang just now as I was wiping W-D40 off my hoof trimming shears. The ring gave me a little shiver of thrill. If I answered, (generally I never answer--generally I keep the ringer off) someone might ask what I was doing. And I would get to answer about W-D40 and use the words hoof trim and maybe throw in a bit about cleaning egg boxes. I've finally committed to daily egg box cleaning. Things get out of hand if I don't. (Dang these box roosting chickens. Why can't they perch like normal ladies?) If I really got rolling and verbose, I might describe the progress I'm making with goat hoof anatomy. Hum, my phone doesn't ring all that often...wonder why? I pondered as I listed to the ringing.

My husband foraged cast off wooden pallets and a sheet of used plywood from a delivery box off craigslist. These he used to make me and the goats a stanchion. Fiasco Farm provides free plans, which are excellent. The whole thing, generally at least $150. to buy, cost us $17 for the fancy bucket and some change for a box of wood screws and a shiny brass hook. Yes, I do have the best husband on earth. 

These pictures aren't great. Morning shadows were wrong. And I only got three shots before my batteries died. Be that as it may, I present The Stanchion!
 I am learning. Goats are slowly gaining weight. And hoof health is improving. These Mamas are both bagging up now, so I'm finally confident we might have milk this spring. And I found a local source for the most awesome completely organic 16% goat ration. Commercial feed, be it for dogs, chickens, cows, or goats stinks, even before bags are open, in a way that will gag me in the summer unless we ride home from the feed store with all the windows down. I never clued into that. I was buying FOOD. And the smell made me want to vomit. I suppose I just assumed animals are different and they eat food that smells bad to me. This organic ration? It smells like breakfast. Seriously, except for the goat specific added minerals, I would not hesitate to cook it for my family. Its actual food, smells like food, and the goats love it.

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