Saturday, February 4, 2012

This makes my heart mushy. I read it first as a message from the universe, a secret blind wish-fulfilling message from everyone who has done me so wrong. And there have been plenty--notably in the last few years and in ways that have left me quite bruised, touchy, and dour. But it only took me a few minutes to turn it around. Oh, dear universe of people I love, I am sorry for every time I extended judgment rather than love. Love is the hardest lesson. Love is the hardest lesson. Love is the hardest lesson. It can't be repeated too often. Plus, photographically speaking, that image works. Props to the artist, who ever they are.


  1. Oh my gosh, K.

    This is what I could never comprehend in homeschool groups when they'd tell me I wasn't a real Christian because being Lutheran has no rules.

    Love Your Neighbor always seemed like a really clear directive.

    And also often not very easy to do.

    If you've only got a few rules, it's hard to escape intelligent scrutiny of your bad self. And then there's reality where I love our annoying dogs more than I love most humans.

    This does not reflect well on me.

    Sigh. And yet another big sigh. love you, Val
