Saturday, August 30, 2014

Twelve years ago I felt myself to be almost completely alone on a tropical prairie savannah, (which happens to be a very rare kind of place, geologically speaking) in terms of social company or community or extended family. I decided to seek Quakers in that place, thinking that finding Quakers would dramatically expand our options for company, community, and family. Which was a solid plan.

The amazing thing was finding two Quakers there---exactly two. Unfortunately, their inner light and love were almost horrifying to me. I was so frightened of them, I ran away.

Midwives say fear blocks love. I witness the truth and wisdom of this over and over again. And if this basic truth doesn't penetrate the dilemma, the duality between intellect and spirit, the heart of faith, I don't know what else would.

It recently occurred to me, while milking cows, the problem intellectuals have with faith is their fear of simplicity, reduction to the point of stupidity. What's missed entirely is the expansion of spirit within the framework of simplicity.

Which is an excellent place to locate a curriculum for growing children. Incite their spirits and their intellects can't help but follow.

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