I've just discovered something important. Contempt isn't allowed in my house. I won't stand for it. Its inappropriate behavior, is why. I grew up around a whole lot of contempt. Just, no.
Teenagers will experiment with all kinds of expression and that's a great thing. I'm all for that. Dear Girl expressed contempt for the idea of a sandwich today. She's free to feel how she will, and it was pretty clear her facial expression was an experiment. And we're talking about a sandwich here, so its also clear this really has nothing to do with either of my kids, directly. But that raised lip slapped me into awareness and I'm grateful. We have a new rule. We can add it to the other two:
1) If a kid is having a turn that kid keeps the toy until they are done. Then another kid can have a turn.
2) No lying.
3) Contempt is unacceptable, as its incompatible with love. Reassess yourself accordingly.
How Contempt Destroy's Relationships
Emotional Competency: Contempt
That's WAY too many rules!