Thursday, August 15, 2013

We went to Target this afternoon just to get out of the house. People around here have been trading a cold and today we became officially done sitting around sniffling at each other.

In the car on the way, my daughter mentioned she was on Khan Academy before we left. I asked what she was studying and she replied, "math and American Civics---that's what I do when I get bored, I learn things." This is how unschooling works. Then the kids chatted awhile about the clunkiness of navigation on the site and how the math teacher is obsessed with drawing his apples and lemons.

Thank you Khan Academy! This mother has zero criticism and boundless gratitude for you.


  1. I've always enjoyed reading about your unschooling. If your kids enjoy Khan, they'd probably also like Udacity.

  2. Ooooh, thank you for that link! :o)
