Monday, July 15, 2013

Its been the weirdest weather I've ever seen. Last summer the weather was strangely cool in our southern state. It stayed in the low 90s most of June. I talked about it with friends and among the ones who grew up here, we were all unanimous. The weather was strangely not hot. It should have been in the high 90s to low hundreds. This summer we're well into July and it hasn't gotten out of the high 80s yet. It has rained almost daily. The weather is so strange no one is discussing it. Our lack of discussion reminds me a bit of tourist tsunami footage where the beach is silent and peaceful with no detectable foreboding as the water recedes. I'm afraid my figs won't ripen if it doesn't warm up. Tomatoes are pouting. Other veggies are drowning.

I got to help a friend this morning. She and I rolled a large round bale of hay uphill, through 10 inches of mud, through a nearly bale-sized door, and into the barn. It was grand good fun. At one point I was almost sure it was an impossible task. As we pushed, our feet slid backwards. I'm amazed neither of us fell. But somehow, we rolled that heavy bale in. The animals were grateful. We were filthy and victorious. And I can't think when I've had a nicer time. I crave hands on, and would rather help slop your pigs than go for dinner out. When did I become this person?

No one really knows what's going on with the weather nor how to predict future seasons. Will fall scorch? Are we headed into a rain forest climate or dramatic cooling? No way to say. But come what will, its good to know people who know how to get things done. And I find I get along better in a barn.

1 comment:

  1. I keep noticing that too - so weird that no one is talking about it. I kept asking, "I have no time for the news, but what's the word on this rain?" blank stares. no word.

