Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In what ways might I be teaching my own mistakes to my children? At the moment I am worried about my introverted social avoidance and too much time online. Its easy to see how these two tendencies dovetail. I really don't want to make either trait the secretly predominant lesson of the kid's high school years. Which means I am going to have to look up, smile, engage, and create more offline projects for all of us. For starters, this July is already planned up with classes for the kids and full days of driving for me. Beyond that, I have some planning to do. Which probably involves time quietly thinking to myself and surfing online...tiny steps, people. Perfection is not the goal.

My friend Val was inspiring to me this morning. She wrote a list of things that make her happy and came up with this: Be productive, Be organized, Be disciplined, Be kind. She has noticed that when she manages to do these four things, she feels happier. Seeing it written like that, I realize I am happier when I can manage the same. Thanks for the nudge, Val. I think I've gotten lazy.

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