Monday, November 19, 2012

"one criminal type [of face] consistently crept under the radar [of people's ability to thin slice character traits based on facial cues]: Rapists. Shockingly, women, (but not men) thought that the convicted rapists would be less likely to commit a crime than anyone else. Nonthreatening, even attractive, their faces didn't fit the stereotype. There may be a slyly adaptive reason for this disparity. Men who look aggressive or dangerous will have a harder time luring potential victims into situations where a rape can take place. A lesson: While our instincts can protect us from harm in a general sense, we can't depend on them to protect us from sexual assault.

~from What's In A Face by Jena Pincott

Sorry. I don't mean to be so quotastic on the blog. I'm distracted by the intrusion of actual life. But this little quote deserves serious consideration and I need a place to stash it in full view.

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