Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This is a froe and a club. I found this image online and there isn't really anyone I can credit other than a guy named Ralf. But that's sort of fitting as these tools are ancient, handmade, and timeless.
Today my son became apprenticed to a master carpenter who only uses hand tools and specializes in Windsor Chairs. $900 Windsor Chairs, so you know this guy ain't fooling around. He is serious about what he does and seriously good at it. It also just so happens he was unschooled and apprenticed when he was a kid. He says he's happy to pass his skills along. He describes his life as "happy as a toad on a damp log." This is the man I want to teach my son.

It is true that I want this for my son more than he wants it for himself, right now. But he sees the value and he's willing it give it a go. He sees how it ties into his previous black smithing. And he sees this training could serve him well for the rest of his life. He's too young to fully appreciate what a rare gift of an opportunity this is. But I feel sure he will be forever grateful, if he sticks with it. The carpenter isn't even going to charge us anything for the training. I am completely delighted and excited for my son.

They spent two hours with a froe and club this morning, splitting red oak for chair tines.  So it begins.


  1. Oh I'm so happy he found someone...I asked our contact,and he is looking into it, but "happy as a toad on a damp log" and hand tooled Windsor chairs sounds just perfect....

  2. Thanks Steph. Obviously, this happened really fast. Mary L hooked us up. This guy grew up in our homeschooling group--he's a bit older than Mary's oldest, so was long gone before you or I arrived.

    I figure, if someone can describe their life in such happy terms, you'd better take some time to learn what they know. And maybe one day it will be my boy passing it on to yours? :o)


  3. Wow K...this is EXACTLY what I wish for my son one day too. There is nothing better for a young boy to learn a trade. I am so happy for you guys. :) xx
