Saturday, March 31, 2012

 Kid Market was today and they all rocked it. I think it was a sound success. 
 There were excellent signs advertising the work and goods of excellent children.
 Enthusiasm, salesman ship, creativity, and fun abounded. 
 My girl did a great job working her henna booth. She learned a ton, made some cash, and she found out her work is solidly good enough. I think she has a natural talent for henna and festival work.
 There were very earnest young folks working hard all around.
 Gauging the market and learning to price yourself correctly were some of the lessons of the day. And there was an interesting variety of things to buy, barter, and sell. Yay for the kids and their market!


  1. I love that painting of Hagrid. I suggested someone paint signs to sell and no one grabbed the idea. But I've seen signs sell well. (Is that a poem?) and, wow, Saul is good.

    Maybe Kid Market can be an annual spring thing...

  2. But wait, THE BATH SALTS/SCRUB! Omg! Did you know RR called and ordered more? She LOVES them.

    Its an all caps kind of day...
