Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The children are in Spanish class and I'm studying as well.  I've been listening to a Mazapan cd a friend from Chile gave me years ago, while I drive around in the car.   I've decided to learn one song at a time, as perfectly as I can.  To sing without meaning, just trying to get the articulation correct.  Then I go back to figure out the meaning.  To begin, Una Jirafa Resfriada.
This is the exact version we hear in the car:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3lJvOu75nQ
And this is a much nicer video of the same song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fofvYyWsFDM
I'm learning the melodies I enjoy most, first.  For Una Jirafa, I especially like the part where they sing: "su dolor y."  It sounds so, I don't know, Gregorian to me.  Yeah, Una Jirafa Gregorian Style, baby.

Una Jirafa Resfriada

Una jirafa estornudo
¡hay pobrecita! se resfrió
dijo su madre cuidate
una bufanda amarrate
dijo su madre cuidate
una bufanda amarrate

Vino a verla un doctor
para quitarle su dolor
y pronto pudo mejorar
con sus amigas fue a jugar
y pronto pudo mejorar
con sus amigas fue a jugar


  1. One of my favorite ways to get the feel for a language! It also is one of the few ways that helps me retain a language, at least a tiny bit, if I'm not actively speaking it. Especially Spanish because it is so beautiful in music.

    I listen to Shakira's spanish songs all the time. Here's a cool link to one of them that has the english translation (plus the guy's voice in the song is yummy). Lots of artists release multiple versions of albums actually. Sting released a spanish album version of his Nothing Like the Sun album. I love the song Fragile in spanish, Fragilidad. Dan Zanes also sings some fun spanish songs that are aimed toward children and catchy enough for adults to love. Here's a link to one I used to sing with my kids. Malti Malti. Love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmExXqJsPTw&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLD1403FFF2D125244

    And I'll forever love the Gipsy Kings, but mostly for the music. I studied Spanish for 7 years and actually got the the Spanglish stage when I was in Mexico for awhile, but I can hardly decipher a word they say. Still love it though.

  2. Oops. I forgot the link to the Shakira song. And I guess I don't even know how to post a link in comments, but you can copy and paste if you wish to see it. :)


  3. Oooo, thanks Candy!

    I love the Gypsy Kings and I'd forgotten about them.
