stolen from: Humans Of New York
grandmother and I are raising him. I worry about putting him into the
public school system. I was a teacher for many years. I've seen so
much confidence destroyed by the standardized system. Every human is
born with natural curiosity. I've never seen a child who wasn't
inspired. But once you force someone to do anything, the inspired
person is killed. I dropped out of school myself in 7th
grade. So I know. I taught a GED course for years, so I've seen the
end results over and over. I've seen so many kids who have complexes
and insecurities because they were forced to do something they weren't
ready to do, and then they were blamed when they weren't able to do it.
What we call 'education' today is not organic. You can't take
something as complex as the human mind, compartmentalize it, and
regiment its development so strictly."
Did that man say that about this child? I want to meet that man.